Electric Vehicle Ecosystem Towards Green Growth

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As a collaborative effort to expanding the network and support the sustainable mobility for better life , ITS Indonesia together with ITS Korea presented a webinar entitled "Electric Vehicle Ecosystem Towards Green Growth".
1. Suharso Monoarfa, Minister of National Development Planning/National Planning Agency – Keynote Speech
2. YoonSang Lee, Assistant Minister, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport – Keynote Speech
3. William P. Sabandar, President of ITS Indonesia – Opening Remarks
4. Chang-Yeon Kim, President of ITS Korea – Opening Remarks
1. Suharto, Director of Land Transportation, Ministry of Transportation
2. Prof. Dr. Ir. Erika Bukhori, University of Sriwijaya
3. Tory Damantoro, Chairman of Indonesia Transportation Society Jakarta Chapter
4. Nicke Widyawati, President Director of Pertamina
5. Dr. YooJin Chang, Deputy Director, Smart Road Team, MOLIT
6. Seok-Je Lee, Manager, Gangneung City
7. Yu-Kyung Park, General Manager of ITS Korea
Moderator: Shafinaz Nachiar
?️ Friday, 11th March 2022
⏰ 14:00–16:00 WIB
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ITS Indonesia, Transforming the Nation Through Smarter Mobility