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Commitment to Sustainable Cities and Mobility through Strategic MoU Signing between ITS Indonesia and Global Alliance for a Sustainable Planet at the IES 2025
The Indonesia Economic Summit (IES) 2025 successfully concluded its highly anticipated business roundtable discussion, Investing in City and Mobility: Infrastructure, Sustainability, and Market Solutions, with a MoU Signing Ceremony, marking a commitment between the Global Allian...
Celebrating Collaboration through ITS Indonesia’s Year End Gathering 2024
On December 13th, 2024, ITS Indonesia hosted its Year-End Gathering at the Skyloft Restaurant, All Seasons Hotel in Jakarta. The event marked a significant occasion to strengthen collaboration among members and partners, reflecting on the achievements of 2024 and discussing plans...
Revolutionizing Urban Mobility: How ART and BRT Lead the Way in Clean, Smart Transit?
In today’s fast-growing cities, efficient, high-capacity, and eco-friendly transportation is crucial. Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) and Autonomous Rail Transit (ART) provide innovative solutions to urban mobility challenges. How Do BRT and ART Advance Urban Mobility?...
Collaboration Between ITS Indonesia and ITS Taiwan in Support of the 2024 MRT Jakarta Media Fellowship Program
Monday, November 5, 2024 – The Intelligent Transportation System associations, ITS Indonesia and ITS Taiwan, are partnering to support the 2024 MRT Jakarta Media Fellowship Program in Taiwan. This program aims to facilitate knowledge exchange between the media and the transportat...
Together Developing Electric Vehicles Ecosystem in Indonesia with KALISTA
ITS Indonesia recently held a discussion with KALISTA, a key member, to delve deeper into KALISTA's understanding of the challenges faced in accelerating the electric vehicle (EV) ecosystem in Indonesia and the innovative solutions they offer. ITS Indonesia is committed to foster...
PT Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) Jakarta (Perseroda) Honored with Industry Award at the 30th ITS World Congress 2024 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
PT MRT Jakarta (Perseroda) won the Industry Award 2024 at the 30th ITS World Congress in Dubai, presented by Akio Yamamoto, ITS Asia Pacific Secretary General, to President Director Tuhiyat. This recognition highlights MRT Jakarta’s innovations in advancing intelligent transport ...
Peluncuran Autonomous Rapid Transit di Ibu Kota Negara Indonesia
Kementerian Perhubungan baru saja meluncurkan sistem transportasi terbaru yakni Autonomous Rapid Transit (ART), yang dirancang untuk melayani Ibu Kota Negara. Langkah ini merupakan bagian dari upaya untuk mewujudkan IKN sebagai kota berkelanjutan yang ramah lingkungan. Sistem ini...
What is ITS? Technology Transforming Urban Mobility
Sistem transportasi cerdas (Intelligent Transportation System atau ITS) adalah kumpulan dari berbagai solusi inovatif yang menggabungkan penggunaan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi pada sistem transportasi. Dengan mengintegrasikan teknologi pada manajemen dan operasi sistem tra...
Komitmen ITS Indonesia Mendukung Pengembangan Transportasi Jakarta
Sebagai bagian dari komitmen ITS Indonesia untuk mendukung pengembangan transportasi Jakarta, ITS Indonesia melakukan Audiensi bersama Pj Gubernur DKI Jakarta, Bapak Heru Budi Hartono, S.E., M.M. pada Selasa (21/2). Dalam Audiensi tersebut, ITS Indonesia menyampaikan berbagai sol...